Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Superfund, a federal program aimed at eliminating hazardous waste across the country, was created in 1980 to help pave the way to a more environmentally friendly nation. However, many did not anticipate its decline and ultimate bankruptcy twenty-three years down the road. It seems that, with a cost of over one billion dollars a year, the government can no longer support its’ production. Thus, the 699 construction projects underway at 436 various sites are too large and expensive to complete (Knickerbocker 1). The article by Brad Knickerbocker, “Superfund Program: A Smaller Cleanup Rag” addresses many of the issues facing the Superfund. Although the fate of the Superfund is indeterminable, one can only hope that the costs will somehow be paid so we can attempt to preserve what’s left of our polluted environment.

I will use the following sites for research:

www.epa.gov/superfund/ (Superfund Official Site)

www.onlakepartners.org/ (Onondaga Lake Info)

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